
October 22, 2011

Homemade Deodorant!

Yep I said it! This might sound really weird and I'm not some kind of hippie. But have you ever read the back label of commercial deodorant? My theory is if you can't pronounce it or it doesn't look familiar you probably shouldn't be putting it in or on your body. I have been on a quest, pretty much since getting married, to live a more natural lifestyle. This includes food, body products, and cleaning products. Which has brought me to homemade deodorant.

I was pretty reluctant at first about it but I am usually willing to try things like this so I made it (especially since its cheap). It is super simple only 3 or 4 ingredients.The most important aspect of this is does it really work? O yea! I work at a gymnastics place in town where I get gross and sweaty all the time and I never stunk and I'm one of those people that if I don't wear deodorant I get kinda stinky.

One thing though, is this does not contain aluminum which is an antiperspirant. The cornstarch helps reduce sweat, but you will still get a little sweaty. I've learned to be okay with it since God designed are bodies to sweat for a reason (it helps eliminate toxins). So here it is....

Homemade Deodorant

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup corn starch or arrowroot
5-6 Tbs coconut oil (I buy the 32 oz container in the cooking oil section. Its the cheapest I've found only $6.00)
5- 20 drops Tea Tree oil (optional)

Combine baking soda and corn starch. Slowly mix in coconut oil and tea tree oil with a fork or mixer. Place in old deodorant stick and place in fridge ( coconut oil is liquid when the temp is around 74 degrees). Or you can just put it in a small glass or plastic jar and use your hand to apply, which I think works way better than putting in the old deodorant container, because you can put more on.

So not only will this save you money, it will also help you be healthier and more natural!

Side note: Tea tree oil is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-septic. Great for those underarms and natural cleaning products.


  1. Could I use olive oil instead?

    Ashley L

    1. I wouldn't recommend it, because coconut oil is pretty firm at about 65 degrees and very mild smelling. You probably could use olive oil if you don't put it in a deodorant tube. It might just have to be a little experiment :)

  2. Okeydoke, thanks! I don't have any deodorant tubes at all, lol

    Ashley L

    1. I was wondering if it needs to be kept in the fridge or you just do that to keep it really firm. I wouldn't think you would need to since there is no water etc. that would introduce bacteria, but I thought I would check. Btw, Coconut oil is great stuff! I made lotion with it and it's really good. I am amazed by some of the natural products and how most of us ignore them and use mystery chemical based products instead.

    2. Thanks to your comment you reminded me to update this post :). It does not need to be kept in the fridge unless you put it in a old deodorant tube (which I don't think works quite as well as putting it in a small tupperware container and applying by hand) or your house is very warm like above 74 degrees coconut oil starts to melt. I love coconut oil too! I actually have a whole post on it :)! Thanks for commenting!

  3. I am allergic to coconut. Do you have any other oil recommendations? Because coconut is used in just about all the "natural" products in the store I have had to go to making my own everything. Any help to substitute would make my life so much easier.

    1. Hmmmm this is a tough one! I bet you could substitute olive oil and then add a tbs or 2 of beeswax. Melt the oil and wax together in a pot or microwave then add the cornstarch and baking soda and then place it in an old deodorant tube and allow to cool. That should work because I make chapstick almost the same way! Hope this helps!

    2. Have you tried the coconut oil? I'm allergic to coconut but not the oil. I just found that out! It has to be high quality coconut oil, though.

    3. i make one with shea butter and bees wax found on crunchy betty webcite

    4. try going to they have a lot of butters and oils to chose from there may be one there that would work well. bramble berry is a soap making supply company

  4. just made a batch today. Love the simplicity of this recipe!

    I'm just starting my journey of making things myself and I have to say I am absolutely surprised at the simplicity involved in a lot of every day items such as this. Really appreciate you sharing your knowledge :)

    Victoria B.

    1. Isn't it great! Easy and healthy for you and the environment! Thanks so much for coming by Victoria glad I could help!

  5. Could you add some essential oil to it to add a fragrence or would it not mix well with the tea tree oil?

    1. Yes you can! I have added orange before and it smelled great! You have to add enough to cover up the tea tree smell. I'm not the biggest fan of the smell of tea tree oil!

  6. What does the tea tree oil do? Thats the only ingredient I would have to go out and get, so I'm wondering how "optional" is really is. Thanks!

    1. Its very optional! The tea tree oil is an antibacterial, antiviral, and pretty much anti everything haha. It just helps combat bacteria growing in your arm pits. When I first started making this deodorant I did not use the tea tree oil and it still worked great! If you have other types of essential oil you could put it in for a natural scent but this is optional too. Its amazing how well this stuff works without any essential oils!

  7. This causes my skin to sting a bit after shaving. I think it's the baking soda. It's also caused me to break out. :/ I suspect it could be from the coconut oil sitting on the skin. I have seen this recipe several places and no one complaining of this! What is going on? It works great I just wish my skin didn't hate it D:

    1. hmmm that is weird! Have you tried waiting a little while after you shave that way the pores are closed when you put it on? Also you could try to switch to a different oil if you think coconut might be the problem. You can use any oil but just be prepared to stir it every time you go to use it! I hope that helps!!!

    2. Yup, it will sting several hours after I shave! Very strange. I am trying putting it in a different base though.

    3. I have the same problem. It irritates my armpits and hurts the rest of the day. I put it on about 30 minutes after I shower and shave. I think it is the baking soda because I use arrowroot in my homemade bronzing powder and I use coconut oil all over my body as lotion with no irritation problems. I will have to make a batch with just coconut oil & arrowroot to see if that eliminates the irritation. Will give an update later after I try it.

  8. Amy, this looks great! I have a big batch of a natural deodorant I bought up cheap when it was discontinued, and I was worried what I'd use when that ran out. Now I have an answer! I think I'd blend some other natural oils with the tea tree too, though the smell tends to overpower my favourite floral oils!

    Ayverie, it could be the tea tree causing the sting, especially if you used pure tea tree. As an Aussie, I love the stuff, but it is powerful! Many of the cheaper tea tree oils are blends, as little as 5%, and won't sting. Pure tea tree is strong stuff, and I find it does sting irritated skin. I won't tell you how I discovered this, but let's just say it involved a VERY sensitive part of my body!

    I've found some other solid natural deodorants sting after shaving too- the Body Shop one was the absolute worst- agony, plus I came out in a rash that took days to go away!

    1. Glad I could help! Yes tea tree oil can make it stink or even break out. I don't use very much at all when I use it! I have very sensitive skin! Good to know about the oil blend thing I will keep that in mind next time I buy some! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I have trouble with my shirts getting stained in the underarms from both sweat and deoderant, I was wondering if this would be better for my clothes? Also just wondering if you have any idea of the cost break down?

    1. My friend has this same issue and since switching she says that she doesn't have the yellowing anymore! I don't have the cost breakdown sorry! It depends on the type of coconut oil you use if it is organic or not. I still think it is cheaper then say buying Toms (which doesn't work for me at all)!
