
January 2, 2013

Better Blogging Series: 10 Tips to Grow Your Blog

Thinking about starting a blog or have a blog and want to do more with it? During this series we will talk about ways you can enhance your blog!

Not going to lie I absolutely love blogging! I wish I could do it full time (maybe one day….). But in the mean time I like to find ways to improve my blog as much as possible. Although I am no professional blogger I have learned quite a few tricks since starting a little over a year ago and have went from maybe 1,000 views a month to over 30,000 in that year.

Part 4: Grow Your Blog

Starting a new blog in this world full of thousands of blogs can be really intimidating. But everyone had to start somewhere! Here are 10 tips to grow your blogs readership!

1. Be a consistant blogger. Don't get really excited blog 10 times in one week and then not blog for weeks. To build readers you want consistently blog a few times every 
week. I've started planning blog posts up to 3 months out so I know I will have a consistent 3 or 4 blog posts every week! This is really hard for me especially when I am super excited about a project like one I will post Friday….

2. Pinterest! If you didn't know already Pinterest is all the rage and can be your best blogging friend. Its a community, so pin your projects and other awesome projects you enjoy. Follow larger blogs or influential people to get inspiration and ideas. 

3. Market yourself! Go on other blogs and leave comments. Don't just leave any comment, but leave a sincere one that could even be helpful. 

4. Linky parties are a great way to increase traffic to your blog like the one I host here on Mondays called the Frugal Crafty Home (shameless plug). This has been one of the best ways for me personally to get my name out there and get followers. The keys to these parties is to have great posts (new or old), great clear pictures so people can see what you made, and great titles without your blog name in it. Also, get in early! The closer you are to the top of the list the more likely your going to be seen!

5. Use social media! Make a Facebook page and twitter and interact on it. Ask your readers questions or for help. Like and comment on their responses. You should try to update it at least once a day. 

6. Make it easy for people to subscribe or join your Facebook page.

7. Host giveaways! Make them easy and don't make people do a million steps to enter.  To enter have them like you on Facebook page, follow you on twitter or Pinterest, etc. This will help broaden your readership!

8. Link back to other bloggers! They can see where they are getting the most views from so by linking to their blog you can gain another reader! I have personally started reading blogs because they linked to me.

9. Guest post on other blogs! Even if its your friends blog, the readers that usually read their blog will maybe start following yours!

10. Just keep being yourself! Don't stress out if your blog doesn't grow into a huge success overnight! It takes lots of time and determination!

There you have it 10 ways to grow your readership! What have you found to help increase your readers?

Just in case you missed it….
Part 1: Starting a Blog
Part 2: Content 

Part 3: Better Pictures


  1. You have some really good ideas! I love this series. :)
    I'd love for you to come link up on my new link party!


  2. These are some great tips! I love, love, love pinterest, that's where I've found a lot of the blogs I'm following. I never pinned my own stuff, I kind of feel guilty doing that, lol! I'm just starting out so this is really helpful! Thanks!

  3. Great tips for blog promotion! I'll have to utilize these. I'm your newest follower; feel free to stop by my blog and follow back if you'd like :) Happy New Year!

    Diary of a Debutante

  4. This is the kind of information I need as a new blogger. Thanks for sharing this!
